
InnoFly BioCenter GmbH is responsible for the content and the collection, processing and use of personal data. InnoFly BioCenter GmbH can be contacted

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Responsible for the content

InnoFly BioCenter GmbH
Dr. Dirk B. Strickmann (CEO)
Reichsratsstraße 15/15
1010 Vienna

Branch office:
Leberstraße 20
1110 Vienna

T: +43 660 246 87 14

Place of jurisdiction: HG Vienna, Austria
UID-No.: ATU77452418
Company register number: FN 565336b

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InnoFly BioCenter GmbH (‘InnoFly BioCenter’) makes every reasonable effort to provide up-to-date, complete and correct information on this website. There are no representations or warranties with respect to the content provided on this website, such as hyperlinks or other content available directly or indirectly on this website. InnoFly BioCenter accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use of this website. Therefore, InnoFly BioCenter cannot be held liable for the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or comprehensibility of the information provided on this website. Decisions based on the information available or provided on this website are the sole responsibility of the user. InnoFly BioCenter accepts no responsibility and cannot be held liable for direct or indirect, special or consequential damages or other damages of any kind arising for any reason in connection with the direct or indirect use of this website. This also applies to damage or consequential damage caused by viruses and damage to computer equipment or other property in connection with access to or use of this website or due to material, files, texts, images, videos or sound files downloaded from this website.

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InnoFly BioCenter may at any time revise these Terms by updating this posting. Each user is bound by any such changes and should therefore visit this page from time to time to review the most current version of these Terms of Use. Links to this website are only permitted if they operate from the relevant home page. As the structure of this website is subject to change, InnoFly BioCenter accepts no liability for any damage or harm caused by ‘dead’ links on this website. It is also prohibited to create in-line links or other forms of integration of parts of this website with other sites that do not belong to InnoFly BioCenter and thereby create the impression that they are part of this website.

Applicable law 

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